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The Polar Plunge signature fundraiser is an exhilarating event held each winter to support Indiana’s Special Olympics athletes, where individuals and teams brave the elements by taking an icy dip to demonstrate their commitment to the cause. Support Special Olympics Indiana by joining the fun of the Polar Plunge and After Splash Bash at Versailles State Park. This extreme fundraising event is for the warm at heart. The Versailles’ Plunge features a HUGE heated festival tent with great entertainment, the Plunge Food Court, the Razzle Dazzle Basket Raffle, face painting, games, and more. The day’s activities also include the Polar Climb 5K Run and 3K Walk. 

All participants in our 2023 virtual plunger program (either option) will be asked to pay a $25 registration fee, for which you’ll be rewarded with an official #EarnedMyWings decal to display on your car or anywhere else you like. Take your fundraising to the next level by raising an additional $50 ($75 total) and you’ll earn a custom #EarnedMyWings race medal to add to your trophy case!

Additional fundraising is encouraged, with incentives including long sleeved t-shirts ($85), blankets ($300), beach towels ($500), and backpacks coolers and chairs ($1,000) available. All Plunge Prizes will be distributed at each Plunge site. See Plunge Prizes below for more information.

For more information about the Polar Plunge, please For more information about the Polar Plunge, please call Greg Townsend 812-584-6861, or email to [email protected], or visit www.soindiana-rod.org/polarplunge for more details. 


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