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The MISSION is Indiana’s longest-running annual adventure race, one of the region’s most competitive and challenging. DINO has produced the popular MISSION Adventure Race, typically in southeastern Indiana, since 2003.

The MISSION Lite offers beginner adventure racers a chance to see what it’s all about. A shorter, 4-hour cutoff; less complex navigation; and reduced gear list allow an introductory taste of AR.

Participants travel by foot, bicycle, and canoe in teams (or in the Solo division), using map and compass to find checkpoints. Each team must stay together the entire race. Along the way, they will encounter various natural and manmade challenges that test physical and mental ability and creativity.

For those up to the challenge, a solo division is offered.

The course is designed to keep most participants going all 18 hours, creating a dramatic finish line setting where family and friends can cheer for their team as they emerge from the darkness.

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